How To Make Own e-juices By Ourself Step by Step?
DIY E liquid Flavour Concentrates
E liquid DIY flavour concentrate is the next step in the evolution of vaping. By creating your own flavours,
you can have a great range of different e-liquids without having to rely on pre-made flavour concentrates or buying all the same ones over and over again.
With a vast range of concentrates available you have the choice of any flavour that you prefer and can limit how strong you like your e liquid.
When I first started vaping, one of the things that excited me most was the fact that I could make my own e-liquids.
The idea of being able to create exactly what I wanted from scratch was so appealing!
It also meant that if there were any flavourings I couldn't get locally, or which weren't available at an affordable price, there was always the option of making it myself.
Nowadays though, not only are there plenty of locally sourced ingredients but we also have an abundance of flavour concentrates available online and in stores.
However despite this glut in readily-available ingredients there are still many vapers who prefer to make their own e-juices rather than
buy pre-made ones because they can control all aspects of their vaping experience including how much nicotine goes into each vape pod etc. So today I'm going to show you how easy it is...
The difference between an e-liquid concentrate and a pre-made flavour concentrate is that with DIY e juice,
you're mixing all your own ingredients together—the base of PG (propylene glycol) or VG (vegetable glycerin), nicotine if you want it and then flavouring.
When using pre-made flavours, you're still mixing all these ingredients together but the flavouring part has already been done for you by whoever made them.
You could go out and buy some liquid from someone else's company or order in bulk from somewhere like Vampire Vape or other online stores
who sell e juices with their own recipes which might be good enough for some people but it's not always as flexible as making them
yourself if there are specific tastes/flavours that aren't sold anywhere else!
Make your own e-liquid flavour concentrates, and your own e-liquids
DIY flavour concentrates are the base for most e-liquids, and can be made at home with a few simple ingredients. Check out our blog on how to use vape concentrates.
DIY e-liquids are an easy way to get started mixing your own juice without spending huge amounts of money on expensive starter kits.
DIY e-liquid is a term used by vapers to describe making your own e liquid from scratch - or, more accurately,
mixing up a batch of DIY flavour concentrate at home then adding propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG).
The process isn’t complicated but requires some patience and care to get right.
If you take your time and follow our instructions carefully then you should end up with some great tasting flavours that will make vaping much more enjoyable!