How long does my battery last before I need to recharge it for vape?

Depending on the size of your battery and how often you use the device, this can differ from 2 - 3 hours to a full day. The higher the mAh (Milliamphour - measurement of ampage of a battery) the longer your battery will last you - this is also dependant on the power you set your device to fire at.

Why does my coil taste burnt?

The cotton within the coil may not be saturated correctly and therefore has been burnt when used, you should replace the coil as soon as possible. This should return the flavour back to its original state.

Do I need a spare battery for my electronic cigarette and when should I replace them?

Some batteries can last between 6 - 12 months if looked after correctly. If the device has an internal battery you may need to buy a new device after its time. If your device has an external battery then you can always buy spares and use these on a rotation system to prolong the lives of the batteries. It is always handy to have a spare just in case you need it, so next time you're at a our vape shop don't forget to collect your free battery case with every battery purchase.

How do I stop my tank from leaking?

Leaking can be caused by flooding the cotton and coil with too much e-liquid. A way to solve this is to clear away any excess liquid then turn the wattage up by 5 - 10 watts for a few puffs to heat the excess into vapour, then turn it back down again. If this still doesn't work then you may need to change the coil as through usage the cotton within the coil can deteriorate and soak less e-liquid.

Regarding batteries, what does mAh mean?

mAh stands for milliamps per hour. This is a measurement of amperage of a battery. E.g. 3000mAh battery will stay charged for longer time compared to a 2500mAh battery

How do I get more vapour out of my device?

There are two ways of increasing vapour, either you can turn up the power of your device or use a tank with a lower resistance coil. For more information on how to get more vapour from your e-cig, check out our blog on cloud chasing!

What does SSOCC stand for in the phrase, Kanger SSOCC coils?

SSOCC stands for Stainless Steel Organic Cotton Coil, these are manufactured by Kangertech and can be used in a variety of their tanks such as the CL tank 2.0 or the Protank 4 2.0.

What’s the difference between voltage and wattage?

Voltage is the direct current given out by the battery and the wattage is the measure of power distributed to the coil from the battery. Wattage can be changed easily using a variable wattage device.

Why are the batteries wrapped with coloured plastic?

This is a protective casing for your battery, if the plastic is damaged in any way it is advised to replace the battery immediately in the interests of safety. Please refer to our battery safety guidelines.