Verify Product
Locate the authentication label and scratch off its coating to abtain the security code. Then enter your security code below.
STEP 1 :

Scratch the Layer on the Packaging

Confirm the 16-digit code underneath the layer

STEP 2 :

Enter the Code and Verify

After entering the code, click the "Verify" button.


Thank you for buying lanavape products. After checking, this product is genuine

search code


First query


Beware of fake and shoddy products!


Review the Verification Pop-Up Message

If it is verified, the product is genuine.

If "The security code does not exist" is displayed, the product may be counterfeit.

The security code () you searched does not exist!
Thank you for buying lanavape products. After checking, this product is genuine
search code
First query
{{ FirstDate }}
Beware of fake and shoddy products!


The security code you searched for ({{searchQuery}}) does not exist!